Mira Central Manager

Large ETO Deployment in Your Enterprise?
Mira Central Manager Makes It Easy.

For medium- to large-scale Encrypted Traffic Orchestrator (ETO) deployments, the Mira Central Manager provides a centralized system that can take over the configuration, management, and health monitoring of up to 100 ETOs. The Mira Central Manager handles the configuration and health monitoring of ETO nodes to minimize operational overheads and ensure new policy configurations can be quickly deployed.

The Central Manager WebUI is an extension of the ETO WebUI, so it utilizes the same look and feel, as well as providing an extended REST API for Central Manager.

How the Mira Central Manager Works

The Mira Central Manager can manage and deploy all ETO configurations, such as PKI, policies, segments, system configuration, and licensing, as well as ETO software upgrades.

Mira Central Manager Cluster Assignment Screen

Mira ETO nodes on enrollment are assigned to a node “cluster” group that groups configuration settings based on a cluster template. An additional template can be linked into each node which can customize the configuration further.

The Central Manager periodically checks the health of all enabled ETOs providing visibility into the current and historical health status of the entire cluster.

Mira Central Manager ETO Heatlh Screen
Mira Central Manager Dashboard

Statistics can be queried from the enrolled nodes and combined to give visibility into traffic utilization throughout your organization.

Which Platforms Can Central Manager Support?

The Central Manager is deployed as a virtual machine available on KVM, VMware ESXi, and AWS which can manage all ETO platforms.

Central Manager Licensing

A separate license is required for the Central Manager and is available in 12- or 36-month subscription periods.

Simplify the Deployment and Management of Multiple ETOs in Your Enterprise. Sign Up for a Mira Demo Today.