Mira Security Blog

Where is TLS Going?

Where is TLS Going?

Since its 2018 release, TLS 1.3 includes many enhancements that deliver better performance and stronger security than earlier TLS versions. Here, we will focus on what enhancements have been developed, or are currently in development.

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mnemonic AS Podcast

Episode 66: Encrypted Traffic Management

TLS, SSL, HTTP, keys, authentication, clients, servers and ciphers – encryption is complicated.

To help shed some light on how enterprises can remove the “blind spot” of encrypted network communication, we’ve invited David Wells, co-founder of Netronome and Mira Security, who is a pioneer in the SSL/SSH inspection space.

David explains why being able to see and analyze encrypted traffic is necessary in order to gain full security value out of your network data, and shares his experiences since he inadvertently invented a tool for SSL inspection in 2003.

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